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Julia B

Dear Sean,
Please allow me to tell you how very impressed I am with all your resources! I cant believe how brilliant they are and how can anyone can have so much imagination and kniowledge to do what you do!.
I am currently using all of them, because they are so good and my classes love them.
Sometimes I have tried to addapt them to my clases, but I am unable: for example with the "choser" I would love to put the names of my students and classes, but I am not sure how to do it or edit them. Can you tell me if it is possible?
I just cant stop looking at your resources! and yesterday (I hope you didnt mind) I actually showed your Lingualicious site to 100 language trainees at a training College and they were totally amazed!
Un abrazo
Julia B (HOD Spanish Kelly College)


Just wanted to say how useful I have found this blog. I have borowed several of your ideas and they have helped make some really interesting lessons. Thanks, Tom.

Jacopo Belbo

This website is brilliant,

Thanks, Jacopo Belbo

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